I'm at an interesting time of life. I find myself looking back at times, thinking of both happy and sad events in my life. Sometimes, I look forward to exciting changes that are on our dream list as well as worrying about potential challenges. Today, I think back on one of the most amazing events ever--we had our first child.
I still remember this like it was yesterday. I had a terrible pregnancy and was sick pretty much every day. About three days before I had our daughter, I was hit by a car. Although I wasn't injured, it certainly accelerated things as she was born two weeks early.
I remember my water breaking and realizing we needed to go to the hospital. Being the fashionista I am, I decided I needed to wash and dry my hair first. KC had the car running for almost an hour as he didn't share my concern for the lifetime photos. We got to the hospital only to wait and wait and wait. From the time my water broke until our baby arrived, twenty two hours passed. (Maybe that's why the photos didn't show my efforts.)
We were one of the first to be in a labor room that looked like a bedroom. I think they still moved us after that, but I know some of my friends that had babies prior to me delivered them in the operating room!
We hadn't decided on a name, but we knew that if the baby was a girl, it would be either Megan or Jenna. As soon as we met her, we knew it was Jenna. Our baby was absolutely perfect--and beautiful--and tiny. I seriously am teary now just thinking of meeting her for the first time.
I remember that they let me sleep during the nights, but they would bring in this tiny bundle all wrapped in pink when she was hungry. They handed me this beautiful and precious gift, and I was in awe.
Seeing my husband with our new baby made me fall in love even more. There is something so amazing when you watch this bond between father and daughter.
I have loved being a mother from the second I saw Jenna which was actually via a thirteen week ultrasound. Two petite and perfect little feet showed up to reassure me that all of the sickness was going to be worth it.
All of these memories--being sick, trying to fit into my tiny sisters-in-laws' maternity clothes, drying my hair while my husband stood in shock, seeing those two tiny feet, holding the most precious bundle I had ever held, and watching us become a family--will be in my mind forever. I thank God for the miracle of Jenna.
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